55th Reunion of the

Norwin Class of 1969





Saturday August 10th


Banquet dinner at the beautiful grounds of the


135 Elks Lane, Manor, PA

Indoor / Outdoor fun activities!

Thank you, Marianne Davis Woleslagle, for the great pictures!


Judy Kline Wagner and Sharon Switzer Heath

Debbie Mitchel Huemme and Deborah Truxal Gries

Marion Robare Petrovay, Charlene McCann Rahne, Debby Bickham , Lou Savani

Kurt Allenbaugh and Ron Davis

Bob Huemme

Cecelia Lyons, Bill Judge, Mike Hartung

Gary and Patti Sabados Heydorn

Jack Stein

Jane Higgins Litterini and Loinda Kovac

Cecelia Lyons, Sue Winkler Bestwick,

Nancy Painter Bortz

Joe "MacAnel" Martinelli and Donna

John Rodman and Ginna Miller Kraus

Linda McClure Lender and Sandy Rice Mowery

Mark Matty and John "Remo" Removcik

Mark Matty, Marrianne Davis Woleslagle,

John "Remo" Removcik

Mary and John Rodman

Tim Dawson and Sherry Marshalek McCune

Sandy Kean and Peggy Stafford Murray

Paula and Bob "Smokey" Preisach

with Harry and Corkie Playfair

Thank you for attending our

55th Reunion of

The Norwin Class of 1969!

Ron Pisarek, Karen and Clyde Wilson

The Baseball Team

Kurt Allenbaugh, Ed Vozar, Corky Martin, Rich Wakzak, Dave Fauth, Ron Davis

Chris donning a Norwin Basketball warm-up jacket!

Chris Porter Gaines and Dave Luehm

Tim Dawson, Rich Decesere, John Remo

Ed Vozar and Bob Litterini

Evelyn Brown Humelsine and Marcy Joseph Zezzo

Mavis Shirk Hill

Maureen Morsey Matty and Sharon Switzer Heath

Ron Davis, Tim Ketttren, and Nancy Painter Bortz

Dorothy Caswell Petrilli, Tim Dawson, Kurt Allenbaugh, Susie Caswell Ranalli

Dave and Vickie Austin Luehm

Sherry Marshalek McCune and Lou Savani

Susie Caswell Ranalli and Ron Pisarek

Cheryl Paul

Joycelyn Kennel and Tim Kettren


Double Daves!

Maureen Davis Woleslagle and

"Distinguished Alumni" Dave Fauth


Chris Porter Gaines and Charlene McCann Rahne

Movin' and Groovin'!


Suzanne Buckholtz Ulakovic,

Amy SpudyJacobelli, Jackie Parfitt



Mark and Maureen Morsey Matty

Our King and Queen of the Reunion!

Cheryl Paul Jeffcoat and Sandy Kean Fry

Nancy Bailley Gaffron and Dave Luehm

Janet Javor Iacone and Lou Savani

Carl Dayton with Jeff Beatty

Evelyn Brown Humelsine and

Jeanine Miller Felentzer

Sisters - Melissa Spudy Beatty and Amy Spudy Jacobelli

Cecelia Lyons and Amy Spudy Jacobelli

Bob and Mavis Shirk Hill

Who said we can't dance?

with PJ The DJ


Cathy Reed (giving me the finger!)


Table decorations at The Elks

Thank you reunion Committee!

Sherry and Judy and Joycelyn and Maureren

on table decorations! Great job!

Donation and Distinguished Alumni Table

The Cupcake and Cookie Table


The Cookie Table (2)

Thank you Sharon Switzer Heath!

Norwin Class of 1969 Distinguised Alumni

Your Reunion Committee:

Marianne Davis Woleslagle

Joycelyn (Kennell) and Tim Kettren

Judy Kline Wagner

Dave and Vickie (Austin) Luehm

Maureen (Morsey) and Mark Matty

Sherry Marshalek McCune

Margaret "Peggy" Stafford Murray

Sharon Switzer Heath


Thank you donors!





Bailley, Nancy Gaffron
Bickham, Debbie Barton
Brown, Evelyn Humelsine
Buckholz, Suzanne Ulakovic
Bucklew, Gloria Brown
Caswell, Sue Ranalli
Clayton, Patty Whoolery
Davis, Marianne Wolesagle
Davis, Ron
Dayton, Carl
Fauth, Dave
Hartung, Michael
Javor, Janet Iacone
Joseph, Marcy Zezzo
Judge, Bill
Kean, Sandy Fry
Kettren, Tim & Joycelyn Kennel
Kingerski, Michael
Kline, Judy Wagner
Kovac, Linda
Litterini, Robert & Jane Higgin
Luehm, David & Vickie Austin
Lyons, Cecelia
Martinelli, Joe
Martin, Corky
Marshalak, Sherry McCune
Matty, Mark & Maureen

McCann, Charlene Rahne
McClure, Linda Lender


Miller, Ginna Kraus
Miller, Jeanine Felentzer
Mitchel, Debbie Humme
Morgan, Keith
Painter, Nancy Bortz
Parfitt, Jacque
Parker, Larry
Paul, Cheryl Jeffcoat
Playfair, Harry
Pisarek, Ron
Porter, Christine Gaines
Preisach, Robert
Reed, Cathy
Removcik, John
Rice, Sandy Mowery
Rodman, John
Robare, Marion Petrovay
Sabados, Patti Heydorn
Savani, Lou
Shirk, Mavis Hill
Spudy, Amy Jacobelli
Stafford, Peggy & John Murray
Stein, Jack
Switzer, Sharon Heath
Truxal, Debbie Gries
Walczak, Richard
Wilson, Clyde & Karen
Winkler, Sue Bestwick



















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